Seneca Waterways Council Annual Report for 2023 is here, and we couldn’t be prouder of the incredible work our volunteers and staff have done.

This report serves as a testament to the outstanding achievements and impact we’ve made together as a council over the past year. It highlights the remarkable adventures, service projects, and growth of our Scouts, leaders, and volunteers. To those who contributed to our successes in 2023, your enthusiasm has been nothing short of remarkable. This report is a tribute to your hard work and the transformative experiences we continue to create together.

We are especially proud of Eagle Scouts like Hunter Kurosawa, Abby Frick, and Natalie Bielewicz, whose dedication and leadership have exemplified the spirit of scouting. Their involvement in our programs is inspiring, and their efforts are making a lasting difference in their communities.

A big thank you to the amazing team at Brandtatorship for their dedicated efforts in producing this comprehensive report. Their commitment to excellence and attention to detail truly shine through in every page. Brandtatorship has done an excellent job capturing and presenting our story in such a compelling and professional manner. Their expertise and collaboration have undoubtedly made this report an invaluable resource for our community, donors, and supporters.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments, reflect on the milestones we’ve reached, and look forward to the bright future ahead. Together, we will continue to empower young minds, foster leadership, and shape the next generation of extraordinary individuals.

Feel free to share this report with your friends, family, and anyone who wants to learn more about the incredible impact we’re making in our community!

View Entire 2023 Annual Report Here >


swc Annual Report - 2023


View Entire 2022 Annual Report Here >